
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Time Out

Not feeling too artsy this week...
time for a bit of a break...
A new driver didn't quite understand that when you turn left in an intersection you let the oncoming traffic thru first. She hit my little Honda CR-V with a big 'ol Ford truck.
I am in much better shape than the Honda.
I was thrown as far as my seat belt would let me go and back to my seat again...
Air-bags did their gig, and I walked away in very good condition! PTL!
I actually exited Starsky and Hutch style thru the drivers door window.
Seriously I'm fine (I know I'll get questions on this) just have some sore ribs and neck and shoulder.... on a scale of 1 to 10... I'd have to put the pain level only at 1.
: )


  1. From the looks of your car, Cat, you're lucky to have survived. Thank goodness you're OK, and I hope not too sore. Take it easy and know lots of your friends are thinking of you. Hugs, too.

  2. WOW
    That car looks crushed!!
    So glad you are okay.

  3. WoW - glad you're OK, but oftentimes you feel the repercussions of auto accidents a day or two after. Take care

  4. talk about miracles! am thrilled you fared way better than your poor, poor car. will be sending good vibes your way.

  5. oh golly. So glad you are ok. not fun at all...
    rest easy. breath.

  6. Thank Goodness you are okay, I know you have some hurts, but your car looks like this could have far worse for you....I probably would not be in the mood for art, take care of you, Hugs, mary

  7. Ohhh Cat the angels must of been with you at this time ... thank goodness ... please do rest up for a few days to make sure you are all OK. Would of been a very scary situation to be in ... I'm thankful you are OK - sorry about your car but that can be sorted - we are more concerned about your welfare ... luv ... B

  8. I'm glad you're ok; you were very lucky!

  9. Be careful out on the road, sistah! So glad you were able to walk away, but don't overdo it, 'kay? No pain is one thing, but our aging muscles sometimes take a day or two to make their achey presence known. I hope you do NOT get sore, but if you do, know that we're all sending good karma your way, and that Annie is up to the task of Lots of Love and Cuddles. Hugs, Cathy (the Other Utah Cat)

  10. Wow and PTL is right on! Glad you walked away with such minimal hurt and I would hav to say that God DID have his hand on you!!! Thank the Lord!!!

  11. I am so glad you are OK Cat, what a rude shock that must have been.
    I have just been catching up on your blog and smiled at the proof-read post, so so relate to that one. do you still have an Etsy? I can't see the link.
    Big hugs

  12. OMG - How frightening! Glad to hear you're going to be okay. Did the idiot have insurance?????

  13. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I'm gl your okay! That looks very frightening. Hope the other driver had insurance as it looks like your honda is toast.

  14. I am so shocked to see this photo! Yikes I am happy to know you are okay. Please take care and my husband being an atty. I say, make sure you are okay before you sign off on your dear sweet you...the car is one thing you are way more precious. xoxo but gently, Pam in Chico

  15. (((((EEEK!)))) Cat your angel was with you!!
    Thank you Lord! WOW!!!!!So good to hear you are OK!!

  16. Cat,
    Oh my heck! The lord doesn't need another angel... Thank Heavens!
    I bet that caused you some anxiety!
    You are amazingly talented and taking a good hit! Sure glad that we didn't lose you... The Lord needs good people here 2!
    Love you! Wendy

  17. Yes ~ PTL! So glad you are ok! Hope you will take things easy this week! I was in a similar accident several years ago and found the soreness and achiness crept up on me for a week following... take that ibuprofin!

  18. oh my gosh. So happy you escaped this incident UNHARMED.

    The truck,

    maybe you could alter.

    Art always is the greatest of escapes.


  19. Hi Cat,
    I hope you're starting to feel better. Your poor car! But I'm really glad that you are okay and weren't hurt too badly. I've there... believe me... I know the pain and frustration.

    Sending you lots of love and warm wishes for a speedy recovery.


  20. Hi Cat, All I can say is P T L along with you

  21. Oh Mercy! I am so glad you weren't hurt in this wreck. You definetly had God as a Co-pilot!

  22. Boy, I haven't been by in a while... Yikes, I'm sure glad your ok....
