
Saturday, September 16, 2006

Flame of Autumn

I saw the flame on Nature Trail's.
She found it on Maria's.
I am joining the circle of fire.
The crisp cool air of Fall has arrived
and the warmth of the fire fills my heart.


  1. Very warm and beatiful picture.

  2. I agree! And its so different again from the others! Cool!

  3. I guess that's the "original" autumn flame. Yeah, we will soon need some warm fire.

  4. The circle of fire from around the globe warms our spirit...your flame burns bright ...I like this "autumn flame."

  5. I wish a warm autumn and winter..and your new house

  6. Hi Cat,

    how nice you've also joined the circle of fire! Your autumn flame reminds me at marshmallows and grilled potatoes hmmmmmm

  7. Anonymous10:59 PM

    So nice! Feels warm and inviting.

  8. Anonymous6:33 PM

    From Joy: Oh, this picture makes me so happy. We still have hot, humid weather in central Texas . . YUK. I am enjoying just looking at this picture and thinking about weiner roasts, making somemores and going camping. My kids and grandkids have always loved campfires too. It doesn't have to be cold to watch a campfire at night - everyone just feels so snug and cozy. The pic just makes your heart feel good.

  9. OK is chilly and I am rubbing my palms together in front of this warm, glowing ember fire. I can smell the fragrant wood smoke and hear the crackling and hissing of the fire. What a GREAT picture! Now lets tell some scarey ghost stories as we munch on the s'mores.

  10. How wonderful !

    I am behind !

    I must get a Flame of Autumn posted.

    This is beautiful.

    Great Fire Pit too....I can almost feel it... Thank you.

    ohhh I wanna be there.
    (chink - you know what that is!)

  11. Wow I can't believe I stumbled onto your blog.
    I have purchased a couple of your art quilts in the past on ebay.
    If I might ask are you moving to another town?
    I am sorry you have to move if you didn't really want to.

  12. Oh I DO want to move! It's another town but only about 10 miles from here, and I am very excitted. The mixed emmotions come from being here 20 years.
    :) Cat (Happy Cat)

  13. emotions (ooops!)
