
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sweet Hearts

I haven't been on the computer much lately due to my monitor is going out and getting fuzzy plus continued aggravation with my internet. Not to mention a crazy life that sometimes just keeps piling up on me - I'm sure all can relate to that statement! But I am praising the Lord for a weekend and a quiet house and TIME!!! Yahoo! I want to take this time to show the blogging world two wonderful hearts sent to me by 2 sweet people! My camera is not good, so forgive the photo quality - the hearts are absolutely beautiful.
This crazy quilt fabric heart was sent to my by Anita, she fills her hearts with homegrown and dried lavender - and oh is it a heavenly scent. She is a talented creative crazy quilter!
This paper collage heart was sent to me by Carol, it is 3 dimensional - as the flowers just bloom right out to you. Carol creates beautiful art with a romantic feel to it.

Thank-you to both of you for brightening my days with your lovely gifts!!!

Check out their blogs if you aren't familiar with them already, both are tremendous gardeners and I wish I had a way to get them here to the US to fix my garden for me!

Hugs to all.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Flowers are the theme with Spring in the air. Time to plant, time to grow, time for color!
These two ATC's are listed on eBay this week.
Blue is ready to play again, we took the bandage off yesterday but he still stayed in bed all day. This morning he came out (walking on all 4 feet) and had a ball in his mouth.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Well, I did it again [Said Blue], I ran so hard that I broke out another toe-nail. This time I had to be tough and go to the Vet to get it removed and cauterized WITHOUT anesthesia. If you remember, last time I almost didn't come out of the anesthesia because my liver just plain couldn't handle it. Let me tell you, I was scared today. I barked and I cried and then... I just got brave [or scared stiff] because after the shot in my toe and the pain went away, I sat sooooo still. Cat and I watched the blood squirt out like two brave soldiers. The vet fixed me up real good and gave me this stylin' bandage. I'm sleeping it off now and I bet I can play again by tomorrow afternoon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I tried it.
I tried the domino art like I saw on ART TEA LIFE .
I'm hooked.
I had a great time, as I hardly ever explore out of the fabric realm, so this was new to me to work with cardboard dominos and paper and rivets and resin. As you see, I even got to putting pictures in bottle caps... Too fun. Click on the pic to enlarge. Go to the Art Tea Life link and see her tutorial on this enticing little art.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Gotta Play

Blue would stop and say hi except he's too busy playing. He intensly tosses his own ball and chases it when I'm too busy. In this picture he has it ready to to launch off across the room.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Spirit Fire

Let your soul feel the fire.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Sandy was right, I was making more tags.

I can see the floral one adorning a flat of pansies for Mother's Day.

And what would you hang a hummingbird tag on?

How about a gift of nectar?