
Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hope is a powerful thing.

Here is the encyclopedias explanation of HOPE:

HOPE is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. Hope implies a certain amount of perseverance – i.e., believing that a positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary.

This piece is 5"x7" and started with an antique silk crazy quilt piece. It will be listed on eBay Sunday evening. Super size image by clicking on it.


  1. I did enlarge the image and your stitch work is amazing!
    Great work!

  2. I've looked at more of your art and it is just amazing...I need to understand a little more about it. Would you email me at

  3. Your work is just amazing. Is it relaxing for you. I easy sticheries and they are relaxing to me.

  4. Another lovely piece. Wonderful stitching.

  5. Another one I like:

    A ship ought not to be held by one anchor, nor life by a single hope. Epictetus

    Love the postcard art!

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    From Joy .. . .. Oh! Cathy, everything you create is just amazing. This is another beautiful crazy quillt with your outstanding stitches . . . wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and with a great message also.

    How is sweet Blue. All well and chasing things again I hope.

    Have you all been riding your Harley's lately? Have a wonderful weekend full of fun. Hugs, JOY

  7. "disambiguation"

    now there's a word !

    The little lavender flowers are the PERFECT touch.

    Beautiful little stitches Cat.


  8. Bird flowers little lavender stitches all speak of Hope beginnings in the Spring!Another thought provoking
    art piece that I LoVe! Hope gets us through difficult times. hugs NG

  9. Hi Cat
    come visit my blog and take a trip down memory lane

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Ooh! Ooh! I love all the stitching. It all flows so gently and looks so unified! It's yummy to look at!

  11. I'm always full of hope and your hope quilt is really pretty Cat! xox

  12. Hi Cathy!

    Hope you are doing fine, how is the weather in Utha these days? We still have the most fabolours spring weather and I spend most of my time outside (gardening, of course).

    Whenever I see another wonderful piece of art here on your blog, I really miss my needles, too. I haven't been stitching for weeks now... ;-(((


  13. Cat: Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog. Yes, it is a guided situation, of that I have no doubt. I am loved by the power that is, and I am led through hard times that always lead to the best of things if I just pay attention and experience what is.

    As for your own childrean they are experiencing exactly what they are supposed to experience to become exactly who they are meant to be come so they will live out their part in this amazing thing that is life.

  14. Cat, You just keep creating such beautiful works of art over and over again! As busy as you are you simply amaze and inspire me!

