Different than a crazy quilt, but very similar, is this fabric collage. I placed the colorful fabrics on a piece of iron-on interface and pressed them in place. I then added the words. I placed the block on felt and stitched randomly across the pieces by hand with a running stitch and a feather stitch. Next added a back and blanket stitched the edge. This was a very simple project, maybe I'll try a second one with more embellishing.
Happy Holiday Weekend!
P.S. These fabrics will look very familiar to someone out there! (THANKS)
You've made it sound so simple, Cat. Maybe even I could do something like that?!!!
This fabric collage looks like "Flower Power" due to all the different colours! Oh yes, it would certainly look even greater! Oh, I am so happy that you taught me how to make such crazy quilts last year!
Thank you so much for your very nice comment on my recent post! I am so glad you like the blue sweet peas! I did not harvest the seeds so it might still take some time before you get them!
Have a wonderful week-end!
XoX, Anita
Another lovely piece. And thanks for the info on how you made it, very helpful.
The prints are delightful and look vintage !
The words bring it allll together to be EVEN MORE
It is delicate and fragile but your stitches support it , make it strong. And the words , beautiful.
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